Disabled worker filling claim for social security disability benefits.

Will I Lose My Social Security Disability Benefits If I Have a Job?

Most people who receive Social Security disability benefits are totally unable to work due to disability. However, Social Security disability benefits aren’t just limited to those who can’t work. There are certain circumstances under which a disabled person can hold a job and receive Social Security disability benefits. Below is an overview of working while receiving Social Security disability benefits. For additional information, please contact a Texas SSDI and SSI attorney

The Discontinuation of Social Security Disability Benefits 

An individual who suffers from a disability will continue to receive Social Security disability benefits until any of the following events occur:

  • The individual’s medical condition improves to the point that he or she is no longer considered disabled,
  • The individual reaches the age of retirement and begins receiving Social Security retirement payments,
  • The individual is convicted of a crime and is incarcerated or institutionalized, or 
  • The individual earns income that exceeds the substantial gainful activity level. 

Substantial Gainful Activity 

An individual’s Social Security disability benefits may be terminated if he or she earns more than substantial gainful activity. Substantial gainful activity is $1,220 per month for a disabled person and $2040 per month for a blind person. This means that a disabled individual may work part-time and still be eligible for Social Security disability benefits if he or she earns less than these substantial gainful activity amounts. However, it is still possible for the Social Security Administration to conclude that a disabled individual is earning substantial gainful activity even if he or she earns less than the amounts above. The circumstances under which a job may qualify as substantial gainful activity include:

  • A disabled individual receives wages in excess of the above substantial gainful activity amounts,
  • A disabled individual works several hours per week at the job,
  • The demands of the job indicate that the disabled individual is able work at the substantial gainful activity level, or
  • The disabled individual claims to be a volunteer at a business owned by a relative.


Contact Our El Paso SSDI and SSI Attorney 


Working while receiving Social Security disability benefits is a complicated matter. Therefore, if you suffer from a disability and would like to apply for SSDI or SSI benefits while continuing to hold a job, you should contact a Texas SSDI and SSI attorney for assistance. When you hire attorney Jon Sipes to handle your Social Security disability benefits claim, you can rest assured that he will utilize his extensive legal experience and understanding of the Social Security disability benefits process to help you obtain a just result. Jon Snipes regularly helps clients obtain disability benefits in El Paso and surrounding Texas communities, and he understands what it takes to qualify under the SSDI and SSI programs. Please contact us today to schedule a consultation.